Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors March 17, 2011 |
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Friday, 18 March 2011 | |
Пожалуй, впервые за последнее десятилетие, государства "Большой Семерки" (G 7) на встрече 17 марта 2011 года приняли консолидированное решение о согласованных действиях, включая валютные интервенции, направленные на ограничение чрезмерного укрепления японской йены и чрезмерных колебаний (волатильности) на валютном рынке. Здесь приводится текст Заявления опубликованный на английском и французском языках на официальном сайте "G8 Information Centre provided by the G8 Research Group. University of Toronto. Munk School of Global Affairs", а также на английском языке на официальном сайте ЕЦБ. Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors. March 17, 2011 We, the G7 Finance Ministers and central bank governors, discussed the recent dramatic events in Japan and were briefed by our Japanese colleagues on the current situation and the economic and financial response put in place by the authorities. We express our solidarity with the Japanese people in these difficult times, our readiness to provide any needed cooperation and our confidence in the resilience of the Japanese economy and financial sector. In response to recent movements in the exchange rate of the yen associated with the tragic events in Japan, and at the request of the Japanese authorities, the authorities of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the European Central Bank will join with Japan, on March 18, 2011, in concerted intervention in exchange markets. As we have long stated, excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse implications for economic and financial stability. We will monitor exchange markets closely and will cooperate as appropriate. (см. официальный сайт "G8 Information Centre provided by the G8 Research Group. University of Toronto. Munk School of Global Affairs" -, а также официавльный сайт Европейского Центрального банка - |
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