Соглашения принятые на 6 встрече БРИКС (14-16.07.2014,Форталеза. англ.) |
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Friday, 08 August 2014 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation among BRICS Export Credit Insurance Agencies
- Treaty for The Establishment of a BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement
- Agreement on the New Development Bank
- Cooperation Agreement on Innovation
Melbourne, June 21, 2014
This BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement ("CRA") is between the Federative Republic of Brazil (“Brazil”), the Russian Federation (“Russia”), the Republic of India (“India”), the People’s Republic of China (“China”) and the Republic of South Africa (“South Africa”) (henceforth referred to, individually, as “Party”, and collectively, as the "Parties").
WHEREAS, the Parties agree to establish a self-managed contingent reserve arrangement to forestall short-term balance of payments pressures, provide mutual support and further strengthen financial stability.
WHEREAS, the Parties agree that this contingent reserve arrangement shall contribute to strengthening the global financial safety net and complement existing international monetary and financial arrangements.
THEREFORE, this Treaty sets out the terms and conditions of such contingent reserve arrangement, as follows:
Article 1 - Objective
The CRA is a framework for the provision of support through liquidity and precautionary instruments in response to actual or potential short-term balance of payments pressures.
Article 2 - Size and Individual Commitments
a. The initial total committed resources of the CRA shall be one hundred billion dollars of the United States of America (USD 100 billion), with individual commitments as follows:
i. China – USD 41 billion ii. Brazil – USD 18 billion iii. Russia – USD 18 billion iv. India – USD 18 billion v. South Africa – USD 5 billion
b. The Parties shall be entitled to make a request to access committed resources at any time. Until such time as one of the Parties (the “Requesting Party”) makes such a request and that request is acceded to by the other Parties (the “Providing Parties”) and effected through a currency swap, each Party shall retain full ownership rights in and possession of the resources that it commits to the CRA. While commitments shall not involve outright transfers of funds, committed resources shall be made available for any eligible request.
Article 3 - Governance and Decision-Making
a. Governance of the CRA shall be constituted by a Council of CRA Governors (the “Governing Council”) and a Standing Committee.
b. The Governing Council shall comprise one Governor and one Alternate Governor appointed by each Party. Governors must be a Finance Minister, Central Bank Governor, or hold an equivalent post. The Governing Council shall take decisions by consensus and shall be responsible for high level and strategic decisions of the CRA. It is hereby authorized to:
i. Review and modify the size of the committed resources of the CRA as well as approve changes in the size of individual commitments;
ii. Approve the entry of new countries as Parties to the CRA;
iii. Review and modify the CRA’s instruments;
iv. Review and modify the framework for maturities, number of renewals, interest rates, spreads, and fees;
v. Review and modify the preconditions for drawings and renewals;
vi. Review and modify the provisions concerning default and sanctions;
vii. Review and modify the provisions concerning access limits and multipliers;
viii. Review and modify the percentage of access de-linked from IMF arrangements;
ix. Decide upon the creation of a permanent secretariat or the establishment of a dedicated surveillance unit;
x. Approve its own procedural rules;
xi. Review and modify the rules pertaining to the appointment and functions of the coordinator for the Governing Council and the Standing Committee;
xii. Review and modify voting power and decision rules of the Standing Committee;
xiii. Review and modify the authority and functions of the Standing Committee;
xiv. Approve the procedural rules concerning the functioning of the Standing Committee;
xv. Decide upon any other issues not specifically attributed to the Standing Committee.
c. The Standing Committee shall be responsible for the executive level and operational decisions of the CRA and shall comprise one Director and one Alternate Director appointed by each Party; these shall be appointed from central bank officials unless decided otherwise by the respective Party. It is hereby authorized to:
i. Prepare and submit to the Governing Council its own procedural rules;
ii. Approve requests for support through the liquidity or precautionary instruments;
iii. Approve requests for renewals of support through the liquidity or precautionary instruments;
iv. Approve operational procedures for the liquidity and precautionary instruments;
v. In exceptional circumstances, determine the waiver of conditions of approval, safeguards and required documents under this Treaty;
vi. Approve a Party’s encashment request;
vii. Decide whether to impose sanctions in case of a breach of this Treaty;
viii. Carry out other functions attributed to it by the Governing Council.
d. As a matter of principle, the Standing Committee shall strive for consensus on all matters. The decisions of the Standing Committee pertaining to items C.ii and C.iii shall be taken by simple majority of weighted voting of Providing Parties. The decisions pertaining to items C.v, C.vi and C.vii shall be taken by consensus of the Providing Parties. All other decisions of the Standing Committee shall be taken by consensus.
e. Whenever a decision is taken by weighted voting, the weight attributed to each Party’s vote shall be determined as follows: (i) 5 percent of total voting power shall be equally distributed among the Parties; and (ii) the remainder shall be distributed among the Parties according to the relative size of individual commitments.
Article 4 - Instruments
The CRA shall include the following instruments:
i. A liquidity instrument to provide support in response to short-term balance of payments pressures.
ii. A precautionary instrument committing to provide support in light of potential short-term balance of payments pressures.
Article 5 - Access Limits and Multipliers
a. The Parties shall be able to access resources subject to maximum access limits equal to a multiple of each Party’s individual commitment set forth as follows:
i. China shall have a multiplier of 0.5 ii. Brazil shall have a multiplier of 1 iii. Russia shall have a multiplier of 1 iv. India shall have a multiplier of 1 v. South Africa shall have a multiplier of 2
b. The total amount available under both the precautionary and the liquidity instruments shall not exceed the maximum access for each Party.
c. A portion (the “De-linked portion”), equal to 30 percent of the maximum access for each Party, shall be available subject only to the agreement of the Providing Parties, which shall be granted whenever the Requesting Party meets the conditions stipulated in Article 14 of this Treaty.
d. A portion (the “IMF-linked portion”), consisting of the remaining 70 percent of the maximum access, shall be available to the Requesting Party, subject to both:
i. The agreement of the Providing Parties, which shall be granted whenever the Requesting Party meets the conditions stipulated in Article 14, and;
ii. Evidence of the existence of an on-track arrangement between the IMF and the Requesting Party that involves a commitment of the IMF to provide financing to the Requesting Party based on conditionality, and the compliance of the Requesting Party with the terms and conditions of the arrangement.
e. Both instruments defined in Article 4 shall have IMF-linked and De-linked portions.
f. If a Requesting Party has an on-track arrangement with the IMF, it shall be able to access up to 100 percent of its maximum access limit, subject to the provisions under paragraph (d) above.
Article 6 - Inter-central Bank Agreement
In order to carry out the transactions under the liquidity and precautionary instruments mentioned in Article 1, the Central Bank of Brazil, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Reserve Bank of India, the People’s Bank of China and the South African Reserve Bank shall enter into an inter-central bank agreement setting out the required operational procedures and guidelines.
Article 7 - Currency Swaps
A Party may request support through one of the instruments specified in Article 4 according to the procedures established by the Standing Committee in accordance with Article 13 of this Treaty. Provision of USD to the Requesting Party shall be effected through currency swaps carried out between the Parties’ central banks on the basis of common operational procedures to be defined by the Standing Committee in accordance with Article 3.C.iv and the inter-central bank agreement, entered into pursuant to Article 6.
Article 8 - Definitions
The following terms shall have the respective meanings specified in this Article:
“Requesting Party Currency” shall mean the currency of the Party that requests to draw funds through a currency swap;
“Swap Transaction” shall mean a transaction between the Requesting Party’s central bank and a Providing Party’s central bank by which the Requesting Party’s central bank purchases US dollars (USD) from the Providing Party’s central bank in exchange for the Requesting Party Currency, and repurchases on a later date the Requesting Party Currency in exchange for USD;
“Drawing” shall mean the purchase, at the Value Date (defined below), of USD by the Requesting Party’s central bank;
“De-linked Drawing” shall mean a Drawing by the central bank of a Party that is not engaged in an IMF arrangement;
“IMF-linked Drawing” shall mean a Drawing by the central bank of a Party that is engaged in an IMF arrangement;
“Business Day” shall mean any day on which markets are open for business in all financial centers needed for the swap transactions to take place;
“Trade Date” of a Drawing or renewal of Drawing shall mean the date in which the spot market exchange rate for the Drawing or renewal of Drawing is established;
“Value Date” of a Drawing or renewal of Drawing shall mean the date the Requesting and Providing Parties’ central banks credit each other’s accounts. The Value Date shall be the second Business Day after the Trade Date;
“Maturity Date” of a Drawing or renewal of Drawing shall mean the date on which the Requesting Party’s central bank shall repurchase the Requesting Party Currency in exchange for USD. If any such Maturity Date should fall on a day which is not a Business Day, the Maturity Date shall be the next Business Day.
Article 9 - Coordination
a. The Party that chairs the BRICS shall act as coordinator for the Governing Council and for the Standing Committee.
b. The coordinator shall: (i) convene and chair meetings of the Governing Council and the Standing Committee; (ii) coordinate voting as needed; (iii) provide secretariat services during its term; and (iv) inform the Parties of the activation or renewal of liquidity or precautionary instruments.
c. Any Party requesting or receiving support through a liquidity or precautionary instrument – Article 4 – or opting out from participating as a Providing Party or asking for encashment of outstanding claims – Article 15(e) – shall not serve as coordinator. In this case, the next chair of the BRICS shall assume the role of coordinator.
Article 10 - Purchase and Repurchase under a Swap Transaction
a. The exchange rate that shall apply to each purchase and repurchase under a Swap Transaction shall be based on the prevailing exchange rate (hereinafter referred to as “the Swap Exchange Rate”) between the Requesting Party Currency and the USD in the Requesting Party’s spot market on the Trade Date. b. The Requesting Party’s central bank shall sell the Requesting Party Currency to the Providing Parties’ central banks and purchase USD from them by means of a spot transaction, with a simultaneous agreement by the Requesting Party’s central bank to sell USD and to repurchase the Requesting Party Currency from the Providing Parties’ central banks on the maturity date. The same exchange rate (i.e., the rate of the spot leg) shall be applied to both the spot and the forward legs of the Swap Transaction. c. On the Maturity Date, the Requesting Party’s central bank shall transfer the USD plus interest back to the Providing Parties’ central banks in exchange for the Requesting Party Currency. No interest shall be accrued on the Requesting Party Currency. Article 11 - Interest Rate Determination
a. The interest rate to be paid by the Requesting Party on the USD purchased from the Providing Parties shall be an internationally accepted benchmark interest rate for the corresponding maturity of the swap transaction plus a spread. The spread shall increase periodically by a certain margin, up to a predetermined limit.
b. In the case of the precautionary instrument, the amount committed but not drawn shall be subject to a commitment fee, to be specified in the inter-central bank agreement.
Article 12 - Maturities
a. A De-linked Drawing under the liquidity instrument shall have a Maturity Date six months after the Value Date and may be renewed, in whole or in part, three times at most.
b. An IMF-linked Drawing under the liquidity instrument shall have a Maturity Date one year after the Value Date and may be renewed, in whole or in part, two times at most.
c. If the Requesting Party is not engaged in an IMF arrangement, access to the precautionary instrument shall have a tenure of six months and may be renewed, in whole or in part, three times at most.
d. If the Requesting Party is engaged in an IMF arrangement, access to the precautionary instrument shall have a tenure of one year and may be renewed, in whole or in part, two times at most.
e. The maturity of a De-linked Drawing under the precautionary instrument shall be of six months and that of an IMF-linked Drawing shall be of one year. The precautionary instrument, once drawn upon, shall not be renewed.
f. The Requesting Party may repurchase the Requesting Party Currency in exchange for USD at the Swap Exchange Rate before the Maturity Date. In this case, the accrued interest rate shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed from (and including) the Value Date to (but not including) the early repurchase date.
Article 13 - Procedures for Requesting or Renewing Support through the Liquidity or Precautionary Instruments
a. A Party that wishes to request support through the liquidity or precautionary instruments, or renewal of such support, shall notify the members of the Standing Committee of the type of instrument, the amount requested, and the envisaged starting date.
b. The Requesting Party shall provide evidence that it complies with the safeguards specified in Article 14 below.
c. Upon receiving the notification, the CRA coordinator shall convene a Standing Committee meeting to discuss and vote the Requesting Party’s request. The Standing Committee shall decide upon the request up to seven days after its submission.
d. Once a request for support through the liquidity instrument is approved, the Requesting Party’s central bank and the Providing Parties’ central banks shall activate Swap Transactions promptly, in a timeframe to be specified in the inter-central bank agreement.
e. Once a request for a Drawing under an approved precautionary instrument is made, the Requesting Party’s central bank and the Providing Parties’ central banks shall activate Swap Transactions promptly, in a timeframe to be specified in the inter-central bank agreement.
f. If the Requesting Party wishes to renew support through the liquidity instrument, it shall notify the members of the Standing Committee at least fourteen days before the Maturity Date.
g. If the Requesting Party wishes to renew support through the precautionary instrument, it shall notify the members of the Standing Committee at least seven days before the expiration of access under such instrument.
Article 14 - Conditions of Approval, Safeguards and Required Documents
a. When submitting a request for support through the liquidity or precautionary instrument, or renewal of such support, the Requesting Party shall sign and deliver a letter of acknowledgement committing to comply with all obligations and safeguards under this Treaty.
b. The Requesting Party shall also comply with the following conditions and safeguards:
(i) Submit all required documents and economic and financial data, as specified by the Standing Committee, and provide clarification to comments;
(ii) Ensure that its obligations under this Treaty
at all times constitute direct, unsubordinated and unsecured obligations
ranking at least pari passu in right
of payment with all other present or future direct, unsubordinated and unsecured
(iii) Have no arrears with the other Parties or their public financial institutions;
(iv) Have no arrears with multilateral and regional financial institutions, including the New Development Bank (NDB);
(v) Be in compliance with surveillance and provision of information obligations to the IMF as defined, respectively, in Articles IV, Sections 1 and 3, and VIII, Section 5, of the Articles of Agreement of said institution.
Article 15 - Burden Sharing, Opt-out and Encashment Provisions
a. Providing Parties shall share the disbursement of drawings in proportion to their respective commitments to the CRA, subject to paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Article. In no event shall any Party be required to provide more resources than the amount that it has committed to provide in Article 2(a).
b. The approval of a request for support through the liquidity or precautionary instruments under this Treaty suspends, for as long as such support is in place, the Requesting Party’s commitment to participate as a Providing Party in any subsequent request for support through the liquidity or precautionary instruments.
c. When a request for support through the liquidity or precautionary instruments, or for renewal of such support is presented, a Party may opt-out from participating as a Providing Party, provided this is justified by its balance of payments and reserve position or by an event of force majeure, such as a war or natural disaster. The Party opting-out shall provide the necessary information to justify its decision. In this case, the other Providing Parties shall provide resources to allow opt-out in proportion to their commitments to the CRA, subject to paragraph (a) of this Article.
d. A Providing Party may request encashment of outstanding claims provided this is justified by its balance of payments and reserve position or by an event of force majeure, such as a war or natural disaster. The Providing Party applying for encashment shall provide the necessary information to justify its request. If the request is approved, the other Providing Parties shall provide resources to allow encashment in proportion to their commitments to the CRA, subject to paragraph (a) of this Article.
e. A Party that has opted-out or encashed from an outstanding currency swap or has opted out from an outstanding precautionary instrument shall not serve as a coordinator, as defined in Article 9, for the length of the transaction from which the party has opted-out or encashed.
Article 16 - Breaches of Obligations and Sanctions
a. Failure by a Requesting Party to fulfill payment obligations on the Maturity Date of a Drawing or a renewal of Drawing, unless corrected within 7 days, shall result in the following:
(i) all outstanding obligations of the Requesting Party to repay the Providing Parties under this Treaty shall be immediately due and payable; (ii) the Requesting Party’s eligibility to further Drawings or renewals of Drawings under this Treaty shall be suspended; (iii) any undrawn portion of a precautionary instrument of the Requesting Party shall be cancelled; and (iv) any payments by the Requesting Party of its overdue obligations to the Providing Parties must be made on the same date and in proportion to the amounts due to each Party.
b. In case of an event of force majeure, the application of the measures above may be suspended.
c. In case of a persistent and/or unjustified delay in settling overdue payment obligations, a Requesting Party’s right to participate in any decisions under this Treaty may be suspended. After 30 days of unfulfilled payment obligations, the Providing Parties should consider whether this action is appropriate.
d. If, after the expiration of a reasonable period following the decision under paragraph (c), the Requesting Party persists in its failure to settle overdue payment obligations, the Governing Council may require the Requesting Party to withdraw from this Treaty.
e. The Requesting Party in breach of a payment obligation should agree to take measures that preserve the net present value of its obligations if the Providing Parties collectively decide to exercise this option.
f. In case the Providing Parties decide by consensus at the Governing Council level, the Requesting Party in breach of a payment obligation should agree to a novation of its obligations under this Treaty, including by issuing marketable debt securities that would not be subject to the Requesting Party’s jurisdiction. The Requesting Party should not unreasonably withhold consent to terms and conditions of such debt securities as shall be required by the Providing Parties.
g. The Requesting Party would be liable to a late fee in addition to the interest rate applied to the swap transaction to which payment is overdue. This late fee should increase periodically by a certain margin, up to a predetermined limit.
h. In case of a breach of any obligation under this Treaty, other than failure by a Requesting Party to fulfill payment obligations, the following sanctions may apply:
(i) all outstanding payment obligations under this Treaty shall be immediately due and payable; (ii) eligibility to further Drawings or renewals of Drawings under this Treaty shall be suspended; (iii) any undrawn portion of a precautionary instrument shall be cancelled; (iv) the right to participate in any decisions under this Treaty may be suspended; (v) after the expiration of a reasonable period following the decision under item (iv), the Governing Council may require the Party to withdraw from this Treaty.
i. The sanctions applied should be commensurate with the severity of the breach.
Article 17 - Language and Communications
a. The official language of the CRA shall be English. The English language versions of this Treaty and of any documentation under it shall be the official versions. All written and oral communication between the Parties shall be in English, unless the Parties otherwise agree in writing.
b. Any notice, request, document or other communication submitted under this Treaty shall be in writing, shall refer to this Treaty, and shall be deemed fully given or sent when delivered in accordance with the contact details that shall be provided separately by each Party.
Article 18 - Representation and Warranties
Each of the Parties hereby warrants and represents that:
a. It has the full power and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Treaty and shall provide evidence of such authority if requested by any other Party;
b. This Treaty and the performance by it of its obligations under this Treaty do not contravene any law or other restriction binding upon it or any of its property, and there is no legal or regulatory hindrance which could affect the legality, validity or enforceability of this Treaty or of obligations hereunder or have a material adverse effect upon its ability to perform such obligations;
c. All transactions under this Treaty shall be exempt from any administrative or legal obstacles to their completion;
d. All payments by it under this Treaty shall be made without withholding or deduction for, or on account of, any present or future taxes, duties, assessments or governmental charges of whatever nature imposed or levied by or on behalf of its country or any authority therein or thereof having power to tax. In the event that the withholding or deduction of such taxes, duties, assessments or governmental charges is required by law, it shall pay such additional amounts as may be necessary in order that the net amounts received by the other Parties after such withholding or deduction shall equal the amounts which would have been received under this Treaty in the absence of such withholding or deduction; and
e. It shall not assign, transfer, delegate, charge or otherwise deal in its obligations under this Treaty without prior written consent of the other Parties.
Article 19 - Legal Status of the CRA
The CRA does not possess independent international legal personality and cannot enter into agreements, sue or be sued.
Article 20 - Dispute Settlement
a. Any disputes relating to the interpretation of this Treaty shall be solved by consultations in the Governing Council.
b. If any dispute, controversy or claim relating to the performance, interpretation, construction, breach, termination or invalidity of any provision in this Treaty shall arise and not be resolved amicably by the Governing Council within a reasonable period, it shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (excluding Article 26 thereof) in effect on the date of this Treaty (the “UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules”). In case of resorting to arbitration, the language to be used in the proceedings shall be English and the number of arbitrators shall be three.
c. The Parties agree that in any such arbitration and in any legal proceedings for the recognition of an award rendered in an arbitration conducted pursuant to this Article, including any proceeding required for the purposes of converting an arbitral award into a judgment, they shall not raise any defense which they could not raise but for the fact that they are sovereign state entities.
Article 21 - Withdrawal from and Termination of the Treaty
a. A Party may withdraw from this Treaty by giving notice of such intention to the other Parties six months prior to the date of the envisaged withdrawal. However, withdrawal from the Treaty by any Party is not allowed for a period of five years from its entry into force.
b. During this six-month period, the Party that has given notice of such intention shall provide the other Parties with an opportunity to express views on its intention but does not have the right to request or the obligation to provide resources.
c. In the event that any obligation under this Treaty, including any obligation for the payment of money, remains outstanding at the time of termination of or withdrawal from this Treaty, all the terms and conditions of this Treaty (except for those entitling the Parties to any Drawing or renewal of a Drawing) shall continue to apply until such obligation has been fulfilled.
Article 22 - Acceptance, Depositary and Amendments
a. This Treaty shall be subject to acceptance, ratification or approval, according to the respective domestic procedures of the Parties.
b. The instruments of acceptance, ratification or approval shall be deposited with the Federative Republic of Brazil, which shall be the depositary of this Treaty.
c. The depositary shall promptly inform all Parties of: (i) the date of deposit of each instrument of acceptance, ratification or approval (ii) the date of the entry into force of this Treaty and of any amendments and changes thereto, and (iii) the date of receipt of a withdrawal notice.
d. If the Party that acts as depositary decides to withdraw from this Treaty, all the terms and conditions of Article 21 shall apply, with the exception that: (i) the depositary shall give notice of its intention to the other Parties; and (ii) as of the date of receipt of the depositary’s withdrawal notice, the role of depositary shall be assumed by one of the other Parties, as agreed upon by them.
e. This Treaty shall not be subject to unilateral reservations.
f. Any proposal to amend this Treaty shall be communicated to the Party that acts as coordinator for the Governing Council, which shall then bring the proposal before the Governing Council. If the proposed amendment is approved, the coordinator shall ask all Parties whether they accept the proposed amendment. If a Party, according to its domestic procedures, accepts the proposed amendment, it shall notify the depositary accordingly. The amendment shall become effective on the date of receipt of the last notification. Any decision of the Governing Council related to modifying Article 2 shall be considered an amendment.
Article 23 - Entry into Force
This Treaty shall enter into force 30 (thirty) days after the deposit of the fifth instrument of acceptance, according to each Party’s legal requirements.
Done in Fortaleza on the 15th of July of 2014, in five originals in English, one for each Party.
Dated July 15, 2014 This Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation (“MoU”) is entered into by and among the following export credit insurance agencies of the BRICS countries (the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, Republic of India, People’s Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa) respectively: 1. Brazilian Guarantees Agency (Agência Brasileira Gestora de Fundos Garantidores e Garantias S.A. – “ABGF”), a state-owned company with the purpose of operating in the guarantee, insurance and reinsurance sectors. ABGF’s registered office is at Setor de Autarquia Sul, Quadra 3, Bloco O, 11º andar, Ed. Órgãos Regionais, CEP 70.079-900 – Brasília – DF, Brazil; 2. OJSC «Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance», Russian Federation (“EXIAR”), fully owned by the State Corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank). EXIAR is a specialized institution playing a strategic role in supporting Russian exports and investments abroad. EXIAR’s registered office is at 3, 1st Zachatievsky Pereulok, Bldg. 1, Moscow, 119034; 3. Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd, India (“ECGC”), an export credit insurance organization fully owned by Government of India. ECGC is established to provide insurance for exporters and banks in India, and to encourage, facilitate and develop trade between India and other countries. ECGC’s registered office is at Express Towers, 10th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021, India; 4. China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation, P.R. China ("SINOSURE"), an authorized Chinese export credit insurance institution, fully owned by government. SINOSURE’s registered office is at Fortune Times Building, 11 Fenghuiyuan, Xicheng District, Beijing, China; and 5. Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa Ltd, South Africa (“ECIC”), an authorized South African export credit insurance company. ECIC is a self-sustained state-owned ECA with its registered office at 349 Witch Hazel Avenue, Highveld Extension 79, Centurion, 0157, South Africa. hereinafter referred to as “Participant” in singular or collectively as “the Participants”.
Whereas the Participants wish to facilitate co-operation between and among them by: 1. promoting a non-exclusive framework for the development of cooperative efforts between the Participants which will support and encourage trade and investment within the BRICS countries; 2. promoting a non-exclusive framework of cooperation of joint projects envisaging the supply of goods and services from their respective countries as part of joint projects in third countries, which will internationally promote products and services of BRICS countries; 3. exchanging experience in export credit and investment insurance; and 4. exchanging their positions towards international guidelines and regulations on export credits and investment insurance.
a) The Participants may co-operate in the provision of support for a project in a third country which involves the supply of goods and services from BRICS countries. Each Participant will make its own determination as to whether it will participate in providing support for a project and in accordance with its mandate. b) Where the Participants provide support directly for a project in a third country envisaging, the supply of goods and services from BRICS countries to that project: i. ABGF may, under its guarantee and insurance products, support the supply of Brazilian goods and services; ii. EXIAR may, under its insurance products, support the supply of Russian goods and services; iii. ECGC may, under its insurance products, support the supply of Indian goods and services; iv. SINOSURE may, under its guarantee and insurance products, support the Chinese supply of goods and services; v. ECIC may, under its guarantee and insurance products, support the supply of South African goods and services; vi. the terms and conditions of support will be subject to the Participants’ respective policies and procedures; vii. the Participants will, subject to any legal constraints and any requirements for any Participant’s consent, provide each other with information on the project and the proposed financing. c) In order to provide a single source of export credit support to a project sponsor, each of the Participants, where appropriate, may consider including support for each other’s share of a project under its guarantee or, as the case may be, insurance in respect of that project, subject to their respective domestic rules and regulations on the provision of support for foreign content. d) Where the Participants contemplate co-operating on a project, they may, during the evaluation, approval, negotiation and documentation stages (and subject to any legal constraints or any requirements for any Participant’s consent), share relevant information on the project. Each Party shall use its own documentation and procedures, unless otherwise agreed. e) Where the Participants are involved in a project which experiences difficulties after support has been provided, they may make joint efforts to co-operate in order to remedy those difficulties including addressing defaults on payments and debt recovery. f) All cooperation on specific projects will be governed by separate agreements entered into by the Participants.
a) In order to support and encourage trade and investments between and among the BRICS countries, the Participants agree to assist each other in obtaining information for risk assessment and claims management with regards to projects in their respective countries. b) The Participants may, periodically, share experience on export credit issues and investment insurance in areas of common interest. c) The Participants may share views on existing international guidelines and regulations on export credit and investment insurance and may hold discussions on any possible amendments and/or alterations to such guidelines and regulations which will be favourable to the Participants.
a) “Confidential Information” means any information provided by one Participant (“Disclosing Participant”) to another Participant (“Receiving Participant”) within the framework of this MoU. b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following will not constitute Confidential Information for the purposes of this MoU: (i) information which is already in the public domain or lawfully in the possession of the Receiving Party at the time of its disclosure to the Receiving Party by Disclosing Party and is publicly disclosed after the execution of this Memorandum by the Disclosing Party ; (ii) information which was already known to a Receiving Participant on a nonconfidential basis prior to being furnished to it by a Disclosing Participant; or (iii) information which becomes available to a Receiving Participant on a non-confidential basis from a source other than a Disclosing Participant if such source was not subject to any prohibition against transmitting the information to the Receiving Participant. c) The Participants are herein expressly authorized to disclose all the Confidential Information to their respective Guardian Authorities (governmental authorities responsible for the Participants), upon a commitment not to transfer such information to governments not involved in the instance in question, and to any auditors assigned by their Guardian Authorities to supervise their activities, to the extent necessary for such supervision. The provisions in this Article will apply regardless of the expiration or termination of this MoU and remain in full force and effect.
a) This MoU shall take effect on the date it is signed by all the Participants. b) This MoU may be reviewed periodically at the request of any of the Participants. c) Any Participants may terminate its participation in this MoU by giving a prior written notice of one (1) month to the other participants of its intention to terminate this MOU. Such termination will not affect any commitments assumed prior to such notification. d) Any disputes arising from the interpretation or application of this MoU shall be settled through consultations between and among the Participants. e) This MoU is only a statement of co-operative intent and sets forth no legal obligations for any Participant. f) All written communications required or permitted under the MoU shall be in English and be directed to the following addresses, which may be amended from time to time by the Participants.
FOR ABGF: Agência Brasileira Gestora de Fundos Garantidores e Garantias S.A. BRAZIL ATT: Mr. Marcelo Pinheiro Franco Fax No: +55 (61) 3412-4004 E-mail: Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
FOR EXIAR: OJSC Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance RUSSIAN FEDERATION ATT: Mr. Petr M. Fradkov Chief Executive Officer Fax No: +7 (495) 783 11 22 Email: Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
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FOR ECIC: Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa SOC Ltd SOUTH AFRICA Kutoane O. Kutoane Chief Executive Officer Telephone No: +27 12 471 3800 Email: Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
In witness whereof the undersigned being duly authorized thereto by the respective Participants, have signed this MOU done at Fortaleza on the 15th day of July 2014 in five originals in the English language.
Agreement on the New Development Bank
The Governments of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, collectively the BRICS countries,
decision taken in the fourth BRICS Summit in RECOGNIZING the work undertaken by the respective finance ministries; CONVINCED that the establishment of such a Bank would reflect the close relations among the BRICS countries, while providing a powerful instrument for increasing their economic cooperation; MINDFUL of a context where emerging market economies and developing countries continue to face significant financing constraints to address infrastructure gaps and sustainable development needs;
Have agreed on the establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB), hereinafter referred to as the Bank, which shall operate in accordance with the provisions of the annexed Articles of Agreement, that constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
Article 1 Purpose and Functions The Bank shall mobilize resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging economies and developing countries, complementing the existing efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global growth and development. To fulfill its purpose, the Bank shall support public or private projects through loans, guarantees, equity participation and other financial instruments. It shall also cooperate with international organizations and other financial entities, and provide technical assistance for projects to be supported by the Bank.
Article 2 Membership, Voting, Capital and Shares The founding
members of the Bank are the Federative Republic of Brazil, the The membership shall be open to members of the United Nations, in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Agreement of the New Development Bank. It shall be open to borrowing and non-borrowing members. The New Development Bank shall have an initial subscribed capital of US$ 50 billion and an initial authorized capital of US$ 100 billion. The initial subscribed capital shall be equally distributed amongst the founding members. The voting power of each member shall equal its subscribed shares in the capital stock of the Bank.
Article 3 Headquarters, Organization and Management The Bank will have
its Headquarters in The Bank shall have a Board of Governors, a Board of Directors, a President and Vice-Presidents. The President of the Bank shall be elected from one of the founding members on a rotational basis, and there shall be at least one Vice President from each of the other founding members. The operations of the Bank shall be conducted in accordance with sound banking principles.
Article 4 Entry into force This Agreement with its Annex shall enter into force when the instruments of acceptance, ratification or approval have been deposited by all BRICS countries, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Articles of Agreement of the New Development Bank.
Done in the city
________________________________________________________ FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL
________________________________________________________ FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION
________________________________________________________ FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA
________________________________________________________ FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
________________________________________________________ FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
The Governments of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China, and the Republic of South Africa (collectively the BRICS countries): CONSIDERING the importance of closer economic cooperation among the BRICS countries; RECOGNIZING the importance of providing resources for projects for the promotion of infrastructure and sustainable development in the BRICS countries and other emerging economies and developing countries; CONVINCED of the necessity of creating a new international financial institution in order to intermediate resources for the above mentioned purposes; DESIROUS to contribute to an international financial system conducive to economic and social development respectful of the global environment; HAVE AGREED as follows: Chapter I- Establishment, Purposes, Functions and HeadquartersArticle 1 – EstablishmentThe New Development Bank (hereinafter “the Bank”), established by this Agreement, shall operate in accordance with the following provisions. Article 2 – PurposesThe purpose of the Bank shall be to mobilize resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging market economies and developing countries to complement the existing efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global growth and development. Article 3 – FunctionsTo fulfill its purpose, the Bank is authorized to exercise the following functions:
(i) to utilize resources at its disposal to support infrastructure and sustainable development projects, public or private, in the BRICS and other emerging market economies and developing countries, through the provision of loans, guarantees, equity participation and other financial instruments; (ii) to cooperate as the Bank may deem appropriate, within its mandate, with international organizations, as well as national entities whether public or private, in particular with international financial institutions and national development banks; (iii) to provide technical assistance for the preparation and implementation of infrastructure and sustainable development projects to be supported by the Bank; (iv) to support infrastructure and sustainable development projects involving more than one country; (v) to establish, or be entrusted with the administration, of Special Funds which are designed to serve its purpose.
Article 4 – Headquarters a) The Bank has its headquarters in Shanghai. b) The Bank may establish offices necessary for the performance of its functions. The first regional office shall be in Johannesburg.
Chapter II- Membership, Voting, Capital and SharesArticle 5 – Membershipa) The founding members of the Bank are the Federative Republic of Brazil,
the b) Membership shall be open to members of the United Nations at such times and in accordance with such terms and conditions as the Bank shall determine by a special majority at the Board of Governors. c) Membership of the Bank shall be open to borrowing and non-borrowing members. d) The Bank may accept, as decided by the Board of Governors, International Financial Institutions as observers at the meetings of the Board of Governors. Countries interested in becoming members may also be invited as observers to these meetings. Article 6 – Votinga) The voting power of each member shall be equal to the number of its subscribed shares in the capital stock of the Bank. In the event of any member failing to pay any part of the amount due in respect of its obligations in relation to paid-in shares under Article 7 of this Agreement, such member shall be unable, for so long as such failure continues, to exercise that percentage of its voting power which corresponds to the percentage which the amount due but unpaid bears to the total amount of paid-in shares subscribed to by that member in the capital stock of the Bank. b) Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Agreement, all matters before the Bank shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast. Where provided for in this Agreement, a qualified majority shall be understood as an affirmative vote of two thirds of the total voting power of the members. Where provided for in this Agreement, a special majority shall be understood as an affirmative vote of four of the founding members concurrent with an affirmative vote of two thirds of the total voting power of the members. c) In voting in the Board of Governors, each governor shall be entitled to cast the votes of the member country which he represents. d) In voting in the Board of Directors each director shall be entitled to cast the number of votes that counted toward his election, which votes need not be cast as a unit. Article 7 – Authorized and Subscribed Capitala) The initial authorized capital of the Bank shall be one hundred billion
dollars (US$100,000,000,000). The dollar
wherever referred to in this Agreement shall be understood as being the
official currency of payment of the b) The initial authorized capital of the Bank shall be divided into 1,000,000 (one million) shares, having a par value of one hundred thousand dollars (US$ 100,000) each, which shall be available for subscription only by members in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The value of 1 (one) share, will also be the minimum amount to be subscribed for participation by a single country. c) The initial subscribed capital of the Bank shall be fifty billion dollars (US$50,000,000,000). The subscribed capital stock shall be divided into paid-in shares and callable shares. Shares having an aggregate par value of ten billion dollars (US$10,000,000,000) shall be paid-in shares, and shares having an aggregate par value of forty billion dollars (US$40,000,000,000) shall be callable shares. d) An increase of the authorized and subscribed capital stock of the Bank, as well as the proportion between the paid in shares and the callable shares may be decided by the Board of Governors at such time and under such terms and conditions as it may deem advisable, by a special majority of the Board of Governors. In such case, each member shall have a reasonable opportunity to subscribe, under the conditions established in Article 8 and under such other conditions as the Board of Governors shall decide. No member, however, shall be obligated to subscribe to any part of such increased capital. e) The Board of Governors shall at intervals of not more than 5 (five) years review the capital stock of the Bank. Article 8 – Subscription of Sharesa) Each member shall subscribe to shares of the capital stock of the Bank. The number of shares to be initially subscribed by the founding members shall be those set forth in Attachment 1 of this Agreement, which specifies the obligation of each member as to both paid-in and callable capital. The number of shares to be initially subscribed by other members shall be determined by the Board of Governors by special majority on the occasion of the acceptance of their accession. b) Shares of stock initially subscribed by founding members shall be issued at par. Other shares shall be issued at par unless the Board of Governors decides in special circumstances to issue them on other terms. c) No increase in the subscription of any member to the capital stock shall become effective, and any right to subscribe thereto is hereby waived, which would have the effect of: (i) reducing the voting power of the founding members below 55 (fifty-five) per cent of the total voting power; (ii) increasing the voting power of the non-borrowing member countries above 20 (twenty) per cent of the total voting power; (iii)increasing the voting power of a non-founding member country above 7 (seven) per cent of total voting power.
d) The liability of the members on shares shall be limited to the unpaid portion of their issue price. e) No member shall be liable, by reason of its membership, for obligations of the Bank. f) Shares shall not be pledged nor encumbered in any manner. They shall be transferable only to the Bank.
Article 9 – Payment of Subscriptionsa) On entry into force of this Agreement, payment of the amount initially subscribed by each founding member to the paid-in capital stock of the Bank shall be made in dollars in 7 (seven) installments as provided for in Attachment 2. The first installment shall be paid by each member within 6 (six) months after entry into force of this Agreement. The second installment shall become due 18 (eighteen) months from the entry into force of this Agreement. The remaining 5 (five) installments shall each become due successively 1 (one) year from the date on which the preceding installment becomes due. b) The Board of Governors shall determine the dates for the payment of amounts subscribed by the members of the Bank to the paid-in capital stock to which the provisions of paragraph (a) of this article do not apply. c) Payment of the amounts subscribed to the callable capital stock of the Bank shall be subject to call only as and when required by the Bank to meet its obligations incurred on borrowing of funds for inclusion in its ordinary capital resources or guarantees chargeable to such resources. In the event of such calls, payment may be made at the option of the member concerned in convertible currency or in the currency required to discharge the obligation of the Bank for the purpose of which the call is made. d) Calls on unpaid subscriptions shall be uniform in percentage on all callable shares.
Chapter III- Organization and ManagementArticle 10 – StructureThe Bank shall have a Board of Governors, a Board of Directors, a President, Vice-Presidents as decided by the Board of Governors, and such other officers and staff as may be considered necessary. Article 11 – Board of Governors: composition and powersa) All the powers of the Bank shall be vested in the Board of Governors consisting of one governor and one alternate appointed by each member in such manner as it may determine. Governors shall be at ministerial level, and may be replaced subject to the pleasure of the member appointing him. No alternate may vote except in the absence of his principal. The Board shall on an annual basis select one of the governors as chairperson. b) The Board of Governors may delegate to the Directors authority to exercise any powers of the Board, except the power to: (i) admit new members and determine the conditions of their admission; (ii) increase or decrease the capital stock; (iii) suspend a member; (iv) amend this Agreement; (v) decide appeals from interpretations of this agreement given by the Directors; (vi) authorize the conclusion of general agreements for cooperation with other international organizations; (vii) determine the distribution of the net income of the Bank; (viii) decide to terminate the operations of the Bank and to distribute its assets; (ix) decide on the number of additional Vice-Presidents; (x) elect the President of the Bank; (xi) approve a proposal by the Board of Directors to call capital; (xii) approve the General Strategy of the Bank every 5 (five) years. c) The Board of Governors shall hold an annual meeting and such other meetings as may be provided for by the Board or called by the Directors. Meetings of the Board shall be called by the Directors whenever requested by members, the number of which shall be determined by the Board of Governors from time to time. d) A quorum for any meeting of the Board of Governors shall be a majority of the Governors, exercising not less than two thirds of the total voting power. e) The Board of Governors may by regulation establish a procedure whereby the Directors, when they deem such action to be in the best interests of the Bank, may obtain a vote of the Governors on a specific question without calling a meeting of the Board. f) The Board of Governors, and the Directors to the extent authorized, may adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to conduct the business of the Bank. g) Governors and alternates shall serve as such without compensation from the Bank. h) The Board of Governors shall determine the salary and terms of the contract of service of the President. i) The Board of Governors shall retain full power to exercise authority over any matter delegated to the Board of Directors under paragraph (a) of Article 12. Article 12 – Board of Directors(a) The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the conduct of the general operations of the Bank, and for this purpose, shall exercise all the powers delegated to them by the Board of Governors, and in particular: (i) in conformity with the general directions of the Board of Governors, take decisions concerning business strategies, country strategies, loans, guarantees, equity investments, borrowing by the Bank, setting basic operational procedures and charges, furnishing of technical assistance and other operations of the Bank; (ii) submit the accounts for each financial year for approval of the Board of Governors at each annual meeting; and (iii) approve the budget of the Bank. (b) Each of the founding members shall appoint 1 (one) Director and 1 (one) alternate. The Board of Governors shall establish by special majority the methodology by which additional Directors and alternates shall be elected, so that the total number of Directors shall be no more than 10 (ten). (c) Directors shall serve a term of 2 (two) years and may be re-elected. A Director shall continue in office until his successor has been chosen and qualified. Alternates shall have full power to act for the respective Director when he is not present. (d) The Board of Directors shall appoint a non-executive chairperson from among the Directors for a mandate of 4 (four) years. If the Director does not serve a full mandate or if he is not re-elected for a second term, the Director that replaces him will serve as chairperson for the remainder of the term. (e) The Board of Directors shall approve the basic organization of the Bank upon proposal by the President, including the number and general responsibilities of the chief administrative and professional positions of the staff. (f) The Board of Directors shall appoint a Credit and Investment Committee and may appoint such other committees as it deems advisable. Membership of such committees need not be limited to Governors, Directors, or alternates. (g) The Board of Directors shall function as a non-resident body, which will meet quarterly, unless the Board of Governors decides otherwise by a qualified majority. If the Board of Governors decides to make the Board of Directors a resident body, the President of the Bank will become henceforth the chairperson of the Board of Directors. (h) A quorum for any meeting of the Directors shall be a majority of the Directors, exercising not less than two-thirds of the total voting power. (i) A member of the Bank may send a representative to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors when a matter especially affecting that member is under consideration. Such right of representation shall be regulated by the Board of Governors. Article 13 – President and Staffa) The Board of Governors shall elect a President from one of the founding members on a rotational basis, who shall not be a Governor or a Director or an alternate for either. The President shall be a member of the Board of Directors, but shall have no vote except a deciding vote in case of an equal division. The President may participate in meetings of the Board of Governors, but shall not vote at such meetings. Without prejudice to the mandate established in item (d) below, the President shall cease to hold office should the Board of Governors so decide by a special majority. b) The President shall be chief of the operating staff of the Bank and shall conduct, under the direction of the Directors, the ordinary business of the Bank, and in particular: (i) being, on this, accountable to the Directors, the President shall be responsible for the organization, appointment and dismissal of the officers and staff, and recommendation of admission and dismissal of Vice Presidents to the Board of Governors; (ii) the President shall head the credit and investment committee, composed also by the Vice-Presidents, that will be responsible for decisions on loans, guarantees, equity investments and technical assistance of no more than a limit amount to be established by the Board of Directors, provided that no objection is raised by any member of Board of Directors within 30 (thirty) days since such project is submitted to the Board. c) There shall be at least 1 (one) Vice-President from each founding member except the country represented by the President. Vice-Presidents shall be appointed by the Board of Governors on the recommendation of the President. Vice-Presidents shall exercise such authority and perform such functions in the administration of the Bank, as may be determined by the Board of Directors. d) The President and each Vice-President shall serve for a 5 (five) year term, non renewable, except for the first term of the first Vice-Presidents, whose mandate shall be for 6 (six) years. e) The Bank, its officers and employees shall not interfere in the political affairs of any member, nor shall they be influenced in their decisions by the political character of the member or members concerned. Only economic considerations shall be relevant to their decisions, and these considerations shall be weighed impartially in order to achieve the purpose and functions stated in Articles 2 and 3. f) The President, Vice-Presidents, officers and staff of the Bank, in the discharge of their offices, owe their duty entirely to the Bank and to no other authority. Each member of the Bank shall respect the international character of this duty and shall refrain from all attempts to influence any of them in the discharge of their duties. Article 14- Publication of Reports and Provision of Informationa) The Bank shall publish an annual report containing an audited statement of the accounts. It shall also transmit quarterly to the members a summary statement of the financial position and a profit-and-loss statement showing the results of its ordinary operations. b) The Bank may also publish such other reports as it deems desirable to carry out its purpose and functions. Article 15- Transparency and AccountabilityThe Bank shall ensure that its proceedings are transparent and shall elaborate in its own Rules of Procedure specific provisions regarding access to its documents. Chapter IV - OperationsArticle 16 – Use of ResourcesThe resources and facilities of the Bank shall be used exclusively to implement the purpose and functions set forth respectively in Articles 2 and 3 of this Agreement. Article 17 – DepositoriesEach member shall designate its central bank as a depository in which the Bank may keep its holdings of such member's currency and other assets of the Bank. If a member has no central bank, it shall, in agreement with the Bank, designate another institution for such purpose. Article 18 – Categories of Operationsa) The operations of the Bank shall consist of ordinary operations and special operations. Ordinary operations shall be those financed from the ordinary capital resources of the Bank. Special operations shall be those financed from the Special Funds resources. b) The ordinary capital of the Bank shall include the following: (i) subscribed capital stock of the Bank, including both paid-in and callable shares, except such part thereof as may be set aside into one or more Special Funds; (ii) funds raised by borrowings of the Bank by virtue of powers conferred by Chapter 5 of this Agreement, to which the commitment to calls provided for in item (c) of Article 9 is applicable; (iii) funds received in repayment of loans or guarantees and proceeds from the disposal of equity investments made with the resources indicated in (i) and (ii) of this paragraph; (iv) income derived from loans and equity investments made from the aforementioned funds or from guarantees to which the commitment to calls set forth in item (c) of Article 9 of this Agreement is applicable; and (v) any other funds or income received by the Bank which do not form part of its Special Funds resources. c) The ordinary capital resources and the Special Funds resources of the Bank shall at all times and in all respects be held, used, committed, invested or otherwise disposed of entirely separate from each other. The financial statements of the Bank shall show the ordinary operations and special operations separately. d) The ordinary capital resources of the Bank shall, under no circumstances, be charged with, or used to discharge, losses or liabilities arising out of special operations or other activities for which Special Fund resources were originally used or committed. e) Expenses appertaining directly to ordinary operations shall be charged to the ordinary capital resources of the Bank. Expenses appertaining directly to the special operations shall be charged to Special Funds resources. Article 19 – Methods of Operationa) The Bank may guarantee, participate in, make loans or support through any other financial instrument, public or private projects, including public-private partnerships, in any borrowing member country, as well as invest in the equity, underwrite the equity issue of securities, or facilitate the access of international capital markets of any business, industrial, agricultural or services enterprise with projects in the territories of borrowing member countries. b) The Bank may co-finance, guarantee or co-guarantee, together with international financial institutions, commercial banks or other suitable entities, projects within its mandate. c) The Bank may provide technical assistance for the preparation and implementation of projects to be supported by the Bank. d) The Board of Governors, by special majority, may approve a general policy under which the Bank is authorized to develop the operations described in the previous items of this article in relation to public or private projects in a non-member emerging economy or developing country, subject to the condition that it involves a material interest of a member, as defined by such policy. e) The Board of Directors, by special majority, may exceptionally approve a specific public or private project in a non-member emerging economy or developing country involving the operations described in the previous items of this article. Sovereign guaranteed operations in non-members will be priced in full consideration of the sovereign risks involved, given the risk mitigators offered, and any other conditions established as the Board of Directors may decide. Article 20 – Limitations on Operationsa) The total amount outstanding in respect of the ordinary operations of the Bank shall not at any time exceed the total amount of its unimpaired subscribed capital, reserves and surplus included in its ordinary capital resources. b) The total amount outstanding in respect of the special operations of the Bank relating to any Special Fund shall not at any time exceed the total amount prescribed in the regulations of that Special Fund. c) The Bank shall seek to maintain reasonable diversification in its investments in equity capital. It shall not assume responsibility for managing any entity or enterprise in which it has an investment, except where necessary to safeguard its investments. Article 21 – Operational PrinciplesThe operations of the Bank shall be conducted in accordance with the following principles: (i) the Bank shall apply sound banking principles to all its operations, ensure adequate remuneration and have in due regard the risks involved; (ii) the Bank shall not finance any undertaking in the territory of a member if that member objects to such financing; (iii) in preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project or by making designation or reference to a particular territory, or geographic area in its documents, the Bank will not deem to have intended to make any judgment as to the legal or other status of any territory or area; (iv) the Bank shall not allow a disproportionate amount of its resources to be used for the benefit of any member. The Bank shall seek to maintain reasonable diversification in all of its investments; (v) the Bank shall place no restriction upon the procurement of goods and services from any country member from the proceeds of any loan, investment or other financing undertaken in the ordinary or special operations of the Banks, and shall, in all appropriate cases, make its loans and other operations conditional on invitations to all member countries to tender being arranged; (vi) the proceeds of any loan, investment or other financing undertaken in the ordinary operations of the Bank or with Special Funds established by the Bank shall be used only for procurement in member countries of goods and services produced in member countries, except in any case in which the Board of Directors determines to permit procurement in a non-member country of goods and services produced in a non-member country in special circumstances making such procurement appropriate; (vii) the Bank shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the proceeds of any loan made, guaranteed or participated in by the Bank, or any equity investment, are used only for the purposes for which the loan or the equity investment was granted and with due attention to considerations of economy and efficiency.
Article 22 – Terms and Conditionsa) In the case of loans made, participated in, or guaranteed by the Bank and equity investments, the contract shall establish the terms and conditions for the loan, guarantee or equity investment concerned in accordance with the policies established by the Board of Directors, including, as the case may be, those relating to payment of principal, interest and other fees, charges, commissions, maturities, currency and dates of payment in respect of the loan, guarantee or equity investment, in accordance with the policies of the Bank. In setting such policies, the Board of Directors shall take fully into account the need to safeguard its income. b) In underwriting the sale of securities, the Bank shall charge fees under the terms and conditions established in the policies of the Bank. Article 23 – Special Fundsa) The establishment and administration of Special Funds by the Bank shall be approved by the Board of Governors by a qualified majority and shall follow the purposes set forth in Article 2 of this Agreement. b) Except when the Board of Governors specifies otherwise, the Special Funds shall be accountable and its operations subjected to the Board of Directors. c) The Bank may adopt such special rules and regulations as may be required for the establishment, administration and use of each Special Fund. Article 24 – Provision of CurrenciesThe Bank in its operations may provide financing in the local currency of the country in which the operation takes place, provided that adequate policies are put in place to avoid significant currency mismatch. Article 25 – Methods of Meeting the Losses of the Banka) In cases of default on loans made, participated in or guaranteed by the Bank in its ordinary operations, the Bank shall take, firstly, all necessary actions as it deems appropriate in order to recover the loans made and, secondly, it may modify the terms of the loans, other than the currency of repayment. b) Losses arising in the Bank’s ordinary operation shall be charged: (i) first, to the provisions of the Bank; (ii) second, to net income; (iii) third, against the special reserve; (iv) fourth, against the general reserve and surpluses; (v) fifth, against the unimpaired paid-in capital, and (vi) last, against an appropriate amount of the uncalled subscribed callable capital which shall be called in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (c) and (d) of Article 9 of these Articles of Agreement. c) In deploying its efforts for credit recovery in case of default, the Bank shall seek the assistance of the authorities of the country where the operation takes place.
Chapter V - Borrowing and other Additional PowersArticle 26– General PowersIn addition to the powers specified elsewhere in this Agreement, the Bank shall have the power to: (a) borrow funds in member countries or elsewhere, and in this connection to furnish such collateral or other security therefore as the Bank shall determine, provided always that: (i) before making a sale of its obligations in the territory of a member country, the Bank shall have obtained its approval; (ii) where the obligations of the Bank are to be denominated in the currency of a member, the bank shall have obtained its approval; (iii) the Bank shall obtain the approval of the countries referred to in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this paragraph that the proceeds may be exchanged without restriction for other currencies; and (iv) before determining to sell its obligations in a particular country, the Bank shall consider the amount of previous borrowing, if any, in that country, the amount of previous borrowing in other countries, and the possible availability of funds in such other countries; and shall give due regard to the general principle that its borrowings should to the greatest extent possible be diversified as to country of borrowing. (b) buy and sell securities the Bank has issued or guaranteed or in which it has invested, provided always that it shall have obtained the approval of any country in whose territory the securities are to be bought or sold; (c) guarantee securities in which it has invested in order to facilitate their sale; (d) underwrite, or participate in the underwriting of, securities issued by any entity or enterprise for purposes consistent with the purpose of the Bank; (e) invest funds, not needed in its operations, in such obligations as it may determine, and invest funds held by the Bank for pensions or similar purposes in marketable securities. In doing so, the Bank shall give due consideration to invest such funds in the territories of members in obligations of members or nationals thereof; (f) exercise such other powers and establish such rules and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate in furtherance of its purpose and functions, consistent with the provisions of this Agreement. Article 27 – Notice to be placed on SecuritiesEvery security issued or guaranteed by the Bank shall bear on its face a conspicuous statement to the effect that it is not an obligation of any Government, unless it is in fact the obligation of a particular Government, in which case it shall so state.
Chapter VI - Status, Immunities and PrivilegesArticle 28– Purpose of the ChapterTo enable the Bank effectively to fulfill its purpose and carry out the functions entrusted to it, the status, immunities, exemptions and privileges set forth in this Chapter shall be accorded to the Bank in the territory of each member. Article 29– Statusa) The Bank shall possess full international personality. b) In the territory of each member the Bank shall possess full juridical personality and, in particular, full capacity to: (i) contract; (ii) acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property; and (iii)institute legal proceedings . Article 30 – Position of the Bank with Regard to Judicial Processa) The Bank shall enjoy immunity from every form of legal process, except in cases arising out of or in connection with the exercise of its powers to borrow money, to guarantee obligations, or to buy and sell or underwrite the sale of securities, in which cases actions may be brought against the Bank in a court of competent jurisdiction in the territory of a country in which the Bank has its headquarters or offices, or has appointed an agent for the purpose of accepting service or notice of process, or has issued or guaranteed securities. b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Article, no action shall be brought against the Bank by any member, or by any agency or instrumentality of a member, or by any entity or person directly or indirectly acting for or deriving claims from a member or from any agency or instrumentality of a member. Members shall have recourse to such special procedures for the settlement of controversies between the Bank and its members as may be prescribed in this Agreement, in the by-laws and regulations of the Bank, or in contracts entered into with the Bank. c) Property and assets of the Bank shall, wheresoever located and by whomsoever held, be immune from all forms of seizure, attachment or execution before the delivery of final judgment against the Bank. Article 31 – Freedom and Immunity of Assets and Archivesa) Property and assets of the Bank, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation or any other form of taking or foreclosure by executive or legislative action. b) The archives of the Bank and, in general, all documents belonging to it or held by it, shall be inviolable, wherever located. c) To the extent necessary to carry out the purpose and functions of the Bank and subject to the provisions of this Agreement, all property and other assets of the Bank shall be exempt from restrictions, regulations, controls and moratoria of any nature. Article 32 – Privilege for CommunicationsThe official communications of the Bank shall be accorded by each member the same treatment that it accords to the official communications of other members. Article 33 – Personal Immunities and PrivilegesAll Governors, Directors, alternates, officers, and employees of the Bank shall have the following privileges and immunities: (i) immunity from legal process with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity, except when the Bank waives this immunity; (ii) when not local nationals, the same immunities from immigration restrictions, alien registration requirements and national service obligations and the same facilities as regards exchange provisions as are accorded by members to the representatives, officials, and employees of comparable rank of other members; (iii)the same privileges in respect of traveling facilities as are accorded by members to representatives, officials, and employees of comparable rank of other members. Article 34 – Exemption from Taxationa) The Bank, its property, other assets, income, transfers and the operations and transactions it carries out pursuant to this Agreement, shall be immune from all taxation, from all restrictions and from all customs duties. The Bank shall also be immune from any obligation relating to the payment, withholding or collection of any tax, or duty. b) No tax shall be levied on or in respect of salaries and emoluments paid by the Bank to Directors, alternates, officers or employees of the Bank, including experts performing missions for the Bank, except where a member, notwithstanding Article 48(d), deposits with its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession a declaration that such member retains for itself and its political subdivisions the right to tax salaries and emoluments paid by the Bank to citizens or nationals of such member. c) No tax of any kind shall be levied on any obligation or security issued by the Bank, including any dividend or interest thereon, by whomsoever held: (i) which discriminates against such obligation or security solely because it is issued by the Bank; or (ii) if the sole jurisdictional basis for such taxation is the place or currency in which it is issued, made payable or paid, or the location of any office or place of business maintained by the Bank. d) No tax of any kind shall be levied on any obligation or security guaranteed by the Bank, including any dividend or interest thereon, by whomsoever held: i) which discriminates against such obligation or security solely because it is guaranteed by the Bank; or ii) if the sole jurisdictional basis for such taxation is the location of any office or place of business maintained by the Bank. Article 35 – ImplementationEach member, in accordance with its juridical system, shall promptly take such action as is necessary to make effective in its own territory the provisions set forth in the Chapter and shall inform the Bank of the action which it has taken on the matter. Article 36 – Waiver of Immunities, Privileges and ExemptionsThe immunities, privileges and exemptions conferred under this Chapter are granted in the interest of the Bank. The Board of Directors may waive to such extent and upon such conditions as it may determine any of the immunities, privileges and exemptions conferred under this Chapter in cases where such action would, in its opinion, be appropriate in the best interests of the Bank. The President shall have the right and the duty to waive any immunity, privilege or exemption in respect of any officer, employee or expert of the Bank, other than the President and each Vice-President, where, in his or her opinion, the immunity, privilege or exemption would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the Bank. In similar circumstances and under the same conditions, the Board of Directors shall have the right and the duty to waive any immunity, privilege or exemption in respect of the President and each Vice-President.
Chapter VII - Withdrawal and Suspension of Members, Temporary Suspension and Termination of Operations of the BankArticle 37– Withdrawala) Any member may withdraw from the Bank by delivering to the Bank at its headquarters written notice of its intention to do so. Such withdrawal shall become finally effective, and the membership shall cease, on the date specified in the notice but in no event less than 6 (six) months after the notice is delivered to the Bank. However, at any time before the withdrawal becomes finally effective, the member may notify the Bank in writing of the cancellation of its notice of intention to withdraw. b) After withdrawing, a member shall remain liable for all direct and contingent obligations to the Bank to which it was subject at the date of delivery of the withdrawal notice, including those specified in Article 39. However, if the withdrawal becomes finally effective, the member shall not incur any liability for obligations resulting from operations of the Bank effected after the date on which the withdrawal notice was received by the Bank. c) Upon receipt of a notice of withdrawal, the Board of Governors shall adopt procedures for settlement of accounts with the withdrawing Member country, no later than the date upon which the withdrawal becomes effective. Article 38 – Suspension of Membershipa) If a member fails to fulfill any of its obligations to the Bank, the Bank may suspend its membership by decision of the Board of Governors by special majority. b) The member so suspended shall automatically cease to be a member of the Bank 1 (one) year from the date of its suspension unless the Board of Governors decides by the same majority to terminate the suspension. c) While under suspension, a member shall not be entitled to exercise any rights under this Agreement, except the right of withdrawal, but shall remain subject to all its obligations. d) The Board of Governors shall adopt regulations as may be necessary for the implementation of this article. Article 39 – Settlement of Accountsa) After a country ceases to be a member, it no longer shall share in the profits or losses of the Bank, nor shall it incur any liability with respect to loans and guarantees entered into by the Bank thereafter. However, it shall remain liable for all amounts it owes the Bank and for its contingent liabilities to the Bank so long as any part of the loans or guarantees contracted by the Bank before the date on which the country ceased to be a member remains outstanding. b) When a country ceases to be a member, the Bank shall arrange for the repurchase of such country's capital stock as a part of the settlement of accounts pursuant to the provisions of this Article; but the country shall have no other rights under this Agreement except as provided in this Article and in Article 46. c) The Bank and the country ceasing to be a member may agree on the repurchase of the capital stock on such terms as are deemed appropriate in the circumstances, without regard to the provisions of the following paragraph. Such agreement may provide, among other things, for a final settlement of all obligations of the country to the Bank. d) If the agreement referred to in the preceding paragraph has not been consummated within 6 (six) months after the country ceases to be a member or such other time as the Bank and such country may agree upon, the repurchase price of such country's capital stock shall be its book value, according to the books of the Bank, on the date when the country ceased to be a member. Such repurchase shall be subject to the following conditions: (i) the payment may be made in such installments, at such times and in such available currencies as the Bank determines, taking into account the financial position of the Bank; (ii) any amount which the Bank owes the country for the repurchase of its capital stock shall be withheld to the extent that the country or any of its subdivisions or agencies remains liable to the Bank as a result of loan or guarantee operations. The amount withheld may, at the option of the Bank, be applied on any such liability as it matures. However, no amount shall be withheld on account of the country's contingent liability for future calls on its subscription pursuant to Article 9(c); (iii) if the Bank sustains net losses on any loans or participations, or as a result of any guarantees, outstanding on the date the country ceased to be a member, and the amount of such losses exceeds the amount of the reserves provided therefore on such date, such country shall repay on demand the amount by which the repurchase price of its shares would have been reduced, if the losses had been taken into account when the book value of the shares, according to the books of the Bank, was determined. In addition, the former member shall remain liable on any call pursuant to Article 9(c), to the extent that it would have been required to respond if the impairment of capital had occurred and the call had been made at the time the repurchase price of its shares had been determined. e) In no event shall any amount due to a country for its shares under this section be paid until 12 (twelve) months after the date upon which the country ceases to be a member. If within that period the Bank terminates operations, all rights of such country shall be determined by the provisions of Articles 41 to 43, and such country shall be considered still a member of the Bank for the purposes of such articles except that it shall have no voting rights. Article 40 – Temporary Suspension of OperationsIn an emergency, the Board of Directors may suspend temporarily operations in respect of new loans, guarantees, underwriting, technical assistance and equity investments pending an opportunity for further consideration and action by the Board of Governors. Article 41 – Termination of OperationsThe Bank may terminate its operations as decided by the Board of Governors by special majority. Upon such termination of operations the Bank shall forthwith cease all activities, except those incidents to the orderly realization, conservation and preservation of its assets and settlement of its obligations. Article 42 – Liability of Members and Payment of Claimsa) The liability of all members arising from the subscriptions to the capital stock of the Bank and in respect to the depreciation of their currencies shall continue until all direct and contingent obligations shall have been discharged. b) All creditors holding direct claims shall be paid out of the assets of the Bank and then out of payments to the Bank on unpaid or callable subscriptions. Before making any payments to creditors holding direct claims, the Board of Directors shall make such arrangements as are necessary, in its judgment, to ensure a pro rata distribution among holders of direct and contingent claims. Article 43 – Distribution of Assetsa) No distribution of assets shall be made to members on account of their subscriptions to the capital stock of the Bank until all liabilities to creditors chargeable to such capital stock shall have been discharged or provided for. Moreover, such distribution must be approved by a decision of the Board of Governors by special majority. b) Any distribution of the assets of the Bank to the members shall be in proportion to capital stock held by each member and shall be effected at such times and under such conditions, as the Bank shall deem fair and equitable. The shares of assets distributed need not be uniform as to type of assets. No member shall be entitled to receive its share in such a distribution of assets until it has settled all of its obligations to the Bank. c) Any member receiving assets distributed pursuant to this article shall enjoy the same rights with respect to such assets as the Bank enjoyed prior to their distribution.
Chapter VIII - Amendments, Interpretation and ArbitrationArticle 44 – Amendmentsa) This Agreement may be amended only by decision of the Board of Governors by special majority. b) Any proposal to introduce modifications in this Agreement, whether emanating from a member, a Governor or the Board of Directors, shall be communicated to the chairperson of the Board of Governors who shall bring the proposal before the Board. If the proposed amendment is approved by the Board, the Bank shall ask all members whether they accept the proposed amendment. When the amendment is accepted, ratified or approved by 2/3 (two thirds) of the members, the Bank shall certify the fact by formal communication addressed to all members. c) The amendments shall enter into force for all members 3 (three) months after the date of the formal communication provided for in paragraph (b) of this article, unless the Board of Governors specify a different period. Article 45 – Interpretationa) Any question of interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement arising between any member and the Bank or between any members of the Bank shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for decision. b) Members especially affected by the question under consideration shall be entitled to direct representation before the Board of Directors as provided in Article 12(i). c) In any case where the Board of Directors has given a decision under (a) above, any member may require that the question be submitted to the Board of Governors, whose decision shall be final. Pending the decision of the Board of Governors, the Bank may, so far as it deems it necessary, act on the basis of the decision of the Board of Directors. Article 46 – Arbitrationa) If a disagreement should arise between the Bank and a country which has ceased to be a member, or between the Bank and any member after adoption of a decision to terminate the operation of the Bank, such disagreement shall be submitted to arbitration by a tribunal of 3 (three) arbitrators. One of the arbitrators shall be appointed by the Bank, another by the country concerned, and the third, unless the parties otherwise agree, by an authority as may approved by the Board of Governors. If all efforts to reach a unanimous agreement fail, decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the 3 (three) arbitrators. b) The third arbitrator shall be empowered to settle all questions of procedure in any case where the parties are in disagreement with respect thereto. c) Any disagreement concerning a contract between the Bank and a borrowing country shall be settled according to the respective contract. Article 47 – Approval deemed givenWhenever the approval of any member is required before any act may be done by the Bank, approval shall be deemed to have been given unless the member presents an objection within such reasonable period as the Bank may fix in notifying the member of the proposed act. Chapter IX – Final ProvisionsArticle 48 –Acceptancea) Each signatory country shall deposit with the government of the Federative Republic of Brazil an instrument setting forth that it has accepted, ratified or approved this Agreement in accordance with its own laws. b) The Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil shall send certified copies of this Agreement to the signatories and duly notify them of each deposit of the instrument of acceptance, ratification or approval made pursuant to the foregoing paragraph, as well as the date thereof. c) After the date on which the Bank commences operations, the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil may receive the instrument of accession to this Agreement from any country whose membership has been approved in accordance with Article 5(b). d) The acceptance, ratification or approval of the Agreement, or the accession thereto, shall not contain any objection or reservation. Article 49 – Entry into Forcea) This Agreement shall enter into force when instruments of acceptance, ratification or approval have been deposited, in accordance with Article 48 by all BRICS countries. b) BRICS countries whose instruments of acceptance, ratification or approval were deposited prior to the date on which the Agreement entered into force shall become members on the date it enters into force. Other countries shall become members on the dates on which their instruments of accession are deposited. Article 50 – Commencement of Operations The chair of the BRICS countries shall call the first meeting of the Board of Governors as soon as this Agreement enters into force under Article 49 of this Chapter, in order to take the necessary decisions for the initial operation of the Bank.
Shares of Initial Subscribed Capital Stock of Founding Members
Each founding member shall initially subscribe 100,000 (one hundred thousand) shares, in a total of ten billion dollars (US$10,000,000,000), of which 20,000 (twenty thousand) shares correspond to paid in capital, in a total of two billion dollars (US$2,000,000,000) and 80,000 (eighty thousand) shares correspond to callable capital, in a total of eight billion dollars (US$8,000,000,000).
ATTACHMENT 2 Payment of Initial Subscriptions to the Paid in Capital by the Founding Members
Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social - BNDES,
State Corporation «Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)»,
Export-Import Bank of India,
China Development Bank Corporation,
Development Bank of Southern Africa Limited
ON (1) Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES (“BNDES”), a wholly-owned federal government company duly established and validly existing under the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil (“Brazil”), with its registered head office in Brasilia, Federal District, and principal place of business at 100 Av. República do Chile, the city of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, CEP 20031-917; (2) State Corporation «Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)», a state-owned corporation duly established under the law of the Russian Federation (“Russia”), with its registered head office at 9 Akademika Sakharova Prospekt, Moscow 107996, the Russian Federation; (3) Export-Import Bank of India (“Exim Bank”), a state-owned corporation duly established under the Act of Parliament of the Republic of India (“India”) and having its head office at Floor 21, World Trade Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400 005, Republic of India; (4) China Development Bank Corporation (“CDB”), a state-owned corporation duly established under the laws of the People’s Republic of China (“China”), with its head office at No. 18 Fuxingmennei Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100031, the People’s Republic of China; and (5) Development Bank of Southern Africa Limited (DBSA), a state-owned development finance institution duly established under the laws of the Republic of South Africa (“South Africa”), with its head office at 1258 Lever Road, Headway Hill, Midrand, 1685, the Republic of South Africa; (hereinafter individually referred to as a “Party” and collectively referred to as the “Parties”) acting in accordance with its respective By-laws:
A) On April 15th 2010, BNDES, Vnesheconombank, Exim Bank and CDB executed the Memorandum on Cooperation pursuant to which a cooperation mechanism was established in order to strengthen and develop long-term relationships amongst those institutions. The following year, on April 13th 2011, BNDES, Vnesheconombank, Exim Bank, CDB and DBSA, executed the Protocol of Accession of the DBSA to the Memorandum on Cooperation whereby DBSA became a party to the initiatives set out in the Memorandum on Cooperation mentioned above. On April 14th 2011, the Parties entered into a Framework Agreement on Financial Cooperation within the BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism (“Framework Agreement”). Under the Framework Agreement the Parties wish to promote and facilitate trade of goods, services, and investment in mutual projects between and among the BRICS Countries. On March 29th 2012, the Parties concluded the Master Agreement on Extending Credit Facility in Local Currency under BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism, as well as the BRICS Multilateral Letter of Credit Confirmation Facility Agreement. Finally, on March 27th 2013, the Parties signed two new instruments: BRICS Multilateral Cooperation and Co-financing Agreement for Sustainable Development and BRICS Multilateral Infrastructure Co-financing Agreement for Africa. B) The Parties wish to further advance the objectives set out in the Framework Agreement and in this instance, more specifically to enhance communication and information sharing among the partner countries in the context of the provisions contained in the Delhi Declaration of the BRICS Leaders. C) The Parties have obtained the relevant internal authorization to enter into this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, Given the increasing necessity of the BRICS Countries in fostering innovation initiatives in the future and in order to facilitate the sharing of information about technological innovation programs within the countries and any other countries within which the Parties may operate and the financing of or investment in such programs, the Parties will endeavor, as the need arises, to enter into multilateral or bilateral agreements (“Multilateral Agreement” or “Bilateral Agreement”) aimed at coordinating cooperation, skills transfer and knowledge sharing between and among the Parties. The purposes and intents of this Agreement are to strengthen the relationship between the Parties and establish a framework of cooperation on projects of mutual interest and if necessary the financing of such projects, in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to each of the Parties. The Parties hereby agree to enter into this BRICS Multilateral Cooperation Agreement on Innovation (hereinafter the “Agreement”) as follows:
1.1 Subject to the terms agreed to between the relevant Parties in the Multilateral or Bilateral Agreements, the focus of the relevant Multilateral or Bilateral Agreements may include, but not be limited to, projects and initiatives that foster investments in technological innovation with emphasis on infrastructure and sustainable energy, including process and product innovation in different fields, related to industries, services and agribusiness, such as: 1.1.1 promoting knowledge sharing initiatives related to best practices, innovative financing, emerging technologies and financing of innovation projects; 1.1.2 exchanging views, experience and expertise on financing innovation, as and when the Parties mutually deem it to be appropriate; 1.1.3 conducting dialogues and other forms of knowledge sharing, in accordance with each Party’s relevant internal policies and regulations; and 1.1.4 co-financing initiatives aimed at the technological development of areas of mutual interest to the Parties, consistent with the applicable laws and regulations of their respective countries.
1.2 The Agreement aims to increase the priority given by the Parties in seeking cooperation with each other to increase the flow of funding directed towards innovation projects relevant to the development objectives and mandates of the respective Parties.
1.3 For the purpose of furthering effective cooperation amongst the Parties, consultations may be held from time to time at the request of any of the Parties in order to identify new areas of cooperation, review existing operations and discuss any other matters pertaining to innovation financing. Such consultations may be in the form of meetings or other methods of interaction as agreed between and among the Parties.
2.1 Whereas this Agreement provides an outline for the cooperation between the Parties, the range of skills, tools, knowledge and technologies shared, together with the exact nature thereof will be limited to those agreed to between and among the Parties to a Multilateral or Bilateral Agreement.
2.2 The execution of any Multilateral or Bilateral Agreement shall be subject to the approval of the relevant regulatory authorities of the Parties to such agreement and to each Party’s internal approval processes.
2.3 These and any other activities agreed between and among the Parties shall be subject to the internal objectives, functions, policies and procedures of the respective Parties.
3.1 The Parties shall endeavor to share all pertinent information relating to the implementation of this Agreement, except for any information which a Party determines, at its own discretion, to be confidential and which is communicated as being confidential in writing.
3.2 The Parties herein agree that the information delivered under this Agreement is subject to the laws, programs and policies of their respective governments and, specifically, to laws regulating banking confidentiality to which each Party may be subject in their respective countries.
3.3 In order to avoid any doubts about rights or obligations related to this Agreement, it is recognized by the Parties that this Agreement is a statement of good faith, intent and mutual understanding of the Parties. This Agreement does not, nor does it intend to create any rights to, or impose any legal obligations or liabilities, financial or otherwise, on any of the Parties hereto or their officers or employees, nor does it bind the Parties to enter into any agreements, nor gives any preferential right for any agreement each Party intends to enter. Nothing contained herein shall confer any legal rights or obligations on third parties.
3.4 Each Party recognizes that the cooperation described in this Agreement is not exclusive and that each Party may enter into similar cooperation agreements with any other party or parties.
3.5 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through consultation on a cooperative basis between and among the Parties.
3.6 Any communication to be made under or in connection with this Agreement shall be made in writing and may be made by fax, letter, or e-mail.
3.7 Except as otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, each Party shall be responsible for its own costs and expenses in connection with undertaking any action contemplated by this Agreement, including but not limited to salary, travel and lodging and other costs of such Party’s employees.
3.8 The address, including the relevant department or officer for whose attention communication is to be marked, of each of the Parties is set forth below:
Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social–BNDES Unit: International Division Address: Av. República do Chile 330, 21st floor, Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Postal Code: CEP 20031-170 Telephone: +55212172-8142 Fax: +55212172-6286 E-mail: Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
State Corporation «Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)» Unit: External Relations Department Address: 9 Akademika Sakharova Prospekt, Moscow, Russia Postal Code: 107996 Telephone: +7 495 782 9485 Fax: +7 495 604 6183 E-mail: Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
Export-Import Bank of India Unit: Chief General Manager, Research & Analysis Address: Floor 21, World Trade Centre Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, India Postal Code: 400 005 Telephone: +91-22-22160364 Fax: +91-22-22180743 E-mail: Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
China Development Bank Corporation Unit: International Finance Department Address: No. 18 Fuxingmennei Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, People´s Republic of China Postal Code: 100031 Telephone: +861068307342 Fax: +861068306541 E-mail: Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
Development Bank of Southern Africa Limited Department: Office of the Chief Executive Officer Address: 1258 Lever Road, Headway Hill, Midrand, 1685, South Africa Telephone: +27 (0)11 313 3341 / 3516 Fax: +27 (0)11 206 3341 / 3516 E-mail: Этот адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов. Чтобы увидеть его, у Вас должен быть включен Java-Script
or any substitute department, address, telephone number, fax number, or e-mail address as any Party may notify to the other Parties.
4.1 This Agreement shall be executed in quintuplet with each Party holding one executed copy, and each such copy shall be treated as an original.
4.2 Any amendments and supplements to this Agreement will be made in the written form and signed by duly authorized representative of each respective Party and shall be an integral part of this Agreement.
4.3 This Agreement shall come into effect from the date of its signing by the authorized persons of all the Parties and shall remain in full force and effect for five (5) years from the date thereof. Thereafter, it will be renewable for further successive periods by mutual written consent of the Parties. Any Party may decide to terminate this Agreement with not less than 60 (sixty) days prior written notice to the other Parties (unless earlier termination is required by law). In this case, the other Parties may, jointly, decide to continue this Agreement excluding the Party that has given the termination notice. The termination of this Agreement shall not result in the termination of any other agreements between and among the Parties.
5.1 Notwithstanding the obligations under Clause 3.2 (confidentiality restrictions) and in order to comply with internal policies, the Parties may publish a summary of this Agreement. Signed at ___________ on 2014 in Five originals in the English language.
Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES Signature: _______________________________ Name: Title:
State Corporation «Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)» Signature: _______________________________ Name: Title:
Export-Import Bank of India Signature: _______________________________ Name: Title:
China Development Bank Corporation Signature: _______________________________ Name: Title:
Development Bank of Southern Africa Limited Signature: _______________________________ Name: Title:
См. официальный сайт Шестого саммита БРИКС в Бразилии (Форталеза- http://brics6.itamaraty.gov.br/agreements
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